Athlete4Athletes founder Vanessa Gidden is a former professional athlete. She has competed at the highest level for 14 years, playing in the WNBA and the Euro-league. She’s also learned some hard truths along her journey, namely, that the Athlete’s career is not solely based on the agent, but it is the knowledge and guidance to navigate through what could be a rigorous journey.

“The most trusted person in my career told me to quit after my first year as a pro. He told me he couldn’t find me a job. ‘Maybe he’s right’, I thought, ‘maybe I should walk away’. But walk away from the game I love so dearly? How could I? It was then that a light bulb clicked. In that moment  I took a chance on myself. I walked away not from me but from him.” Vanessa Gidden

Vanessa established Athlete4Athletes so as so as to apply her learning, reduce the stigma attached to playing overseas and help players to find the best way to navigate their journey.

We are committed to giving you all the resources you need to have a career that is mindful, empowering and successful

Traditionally, the key determining factor perceived to drive a player’s success is having the right guidance and information to propel your career growth.  Athlete4Athletes shows you the importance of self-navigation and how to distinguish yourself from the pack. Therefore, we help each player evaluate goals while giving them access to guidance on how to get there. 

Whether you’re a rookie or a pro player looking for guidance, we are here to support you.